How To:
Be Clear:Type what you need help with clearly, like “fix my computer” or “tell me about membership plans”
Use Simple Words:When typing your request into the Solution Builder, use simple and clear words to describe what you need.
Provide Additional Information:If the Solution Builder asks for more details, provide the necessary information to get the most accurate assistance.
Client Experiences
Your cyber security service detected a phishing scam targeting our finances. Your quick response saved us from potential financial disaster. We genuinely value your service as our digital protector. – Sarah L. – NY- Medical Practice Manager
I had no idea how vulnerable my home network was until you stepped in. Your cyber security service is like having a digital bodyguard. – Richard H. – AZ – 61
When I accidentally clicked on a suspicious link, your service swiftly neutralized the threat. I felt relieved to have such a reliable protector on my side. – Laura K. – PA
We genuinely value your service as an e-learning platform. When a cyber attack threatened our course materials, your recovery efforts ensured uninterrupted learning. Your service is more than security; it’s a lifeline for education. – Jessica P. – MA – Learning Technology Director